domingo, 24 de julio de 2011

Nagoya June 2011

Hi all,
Just an update on a 1 week return to Japan in June for a conference. It was in Nagoya on the pacific coast, in the Aichi perfecture, and is Japans 3rd largest city. It was the chance for me to meet the U.ofTokyo, Kanzaki lab members again. It was a great experience to meet all of them and we went out several times. Nagoya itself seemed quite a peaceful city to me, as the name indicates in Japanese.
Kanzaki lab members and me posing with the ubiquitous v-sign :-)

Kanzaki lab members and other researchers enjoying the Japanese style dinner after the conference

Kanzaki lab members also threw a farewell beeru for me!

Shanghai May 2011

Hi all,
Wanted add an update of the far east adventures....was in Shanghai for a week in May for a conference...this city is ultra modern (e.g. the maglev train that "flies" at 430 Km/h from the airport to the city and the huge skyscrapers...I got a room on the 36th floor and felt a bit dizzy) to ultra old school (e.g. the taxi drivers that dodge everything in their way much like Mumbai or Delhi). Shanghai is the westernized version of China, pretty much a show case to the world.

Maglev speed at 430km/h...believe me its a fast train :-)
view of shanghai from my hotel room

 city view