sábado, 9 de abril de 2011

Origami and roses for Japan on St. Jordi day Barcelona

If you have been to Barcelona on the day of St.Jordi, the local Catalan patron, you will for sure have witnessed a beautiful tradition: the city is filled with stands selling roses and books. Boys are supposed to buy roses for ladies and receive books in return.
This year, some students and researchers from my university UPF had the idea to launch a little initiative for Japan. We ask the university staff and students to make Japanese origamis and sell them with flowers on St.Jordi. All the collected money will go to the much affected Tohoku university in Sendai.
Watch the publicity video (made by Eduard Sellabona):

The dream is to fulfil Sadako Sasaki's dream of 1000 paper cranes :-)

So this 23 April, you can see us selling origamis and roses on a stand in the ramblas :-)

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